We had a very eventful weekend with lots of family visiting. On Friday, we met up with my Mom, Robin, Debbie, Mark, Stacey, and Danielle at the bowling alley. The kids had a great time, Ella slept most of the time we were there.

That evening, we had dinner at Robin and Mike's house. The kids made the brownies. Surprisingly, they were pretty yummy.

Saturday was Ella's big day. We went to synagogue where she received her Hebrew name. Ella's Hebrew name is Chavah Shoshanah after my Grandma Eva (Chavah is Eve in Hebrew) and my Great Gram Sadie. We sponsored the kiddush luncheon at the temple following the morning service. The food was really good and the cake I ordered from Kelly Kakes in Roswell was fantastic! My Aunt Barbara took some pictures of the family, the food, and the cake so I'll post those once I get them. Here are a few that we took ourselves and one that our friend Lauren took of Tom and Ella.

Saturday night we grilled out at Robin and Mike's house. We didn't take a whole lot of pictures, but I did manage to get one of Ella with her Uncle Brian.

Sunday, we had brunch at our house. Everyone came over to celebrate Father's Day and say goodbye to the family members that were heading home to Florida. Mark really enjoyed playing our Wii games and even got on the Playstation 2 for a bit to try Guitar Hero Aerosmith. Aunt Barb took some pictures of Ella and of Mark and me playing Guitar Hero. I don't have those pictures yet, either, but Tom did take some pictures of Ella in the bumbo seat. She's not quite ready for it yet (notice my hand holding her head up), but she is almost there!