Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ella is Six Months Old!

Monday was Ella's 1/2 birthday. I can't believe that she has been in our lives for 6 months already. These last three weeks have been especially hard on me, since I haven't been home to see her. I miss her so much! Tom still made sure to take her six month picture on Monday afternoon so that I could do a post and so that I could get an extra peek at her! She has her 6 month appointment at the pediatrician next week, so we'll post her latest height and weight then.

Friday, September 4, 2009

S'not for Public Consumption

Ella woke up yesterday with a very runny nose. The poor little thing was so stuffed up, I suctioned out her nose 4 or 5 times. I took her to the pediatrician's office to make sure she didn't have an ear infection or anything else. Good news is that it's just a cold, bad news is that I still have to clean out her nose every few hours.

While we were at the doctor's office, the nurse weighed her. Ella weighs 15 pounds, 7 ounces (give or take since she was dressed when weighed).

I am spending as much time as I can with her this morning, as I have my surgery this afternoon. I am looking forward to the procedure, but not looking forward to being without my little girl for 2 or 3 days.