Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eat Your Vegetables - Or Just Talk About Them

Tom was convinced she would hate green beans, so was really surprised when she made happy noises when I fed them to her last night. I gave them to her again this afternoon and she decided to tell me just how she felt about them.

It is amazing how much more she is talking these days. Last week, she was talking every now and then. Today, she is talking constantly. She definitely has some great stories to share!

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Ella is! The Atlanta Gator Club has a kick-off party every year just before the football season starts. We took Ella to her first AGC event and she had a great time. We stopped for dinner at Goldfish before the event (the party was at the restaurant right next door). The weather was so great that Tom and I decided to sit on the patio. Ella was enjoying herself before she decided to take a nap.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ella is Five Months Old!

Today is Ella's five month birthday! I can't believe that she has been a part of our lives for five whole months. It really feels like just yesterday that she entered our lives! Ella decided to mark this milestone by getting stuck in the corner of her crib twice last night. I went in the room to check on her and found her face planted in the bumper. I rolled her over and moved her back into the middle of the crib both times. I decided to take the bumper off the crib this morning to be safe. Of course, during nap time, she managed to get BOTH of her legs stuck between the bars on the crib. UGH! So, Aunt Robin has (hopefully) saved the day by lending us her breatheable bumper. Hopefully, this will solve both of our issues and allow me to sleep easier at night.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ella Loves the Video Camera

Actually, she stares at it whenever I turn it on which makes it hard to catch her doing anything on video. Today, I made funny faces over the camera and managed to get her to laugh at me. The video is really shaky b/c I'm holding the camera and making funny faces at the same time - a talent I haven't yet mastered!

Tom took this next one. Ella's newest thing to do in her bouncer is to grab the monkey and swing it back and forth as hard as she can. She hits it pretty hard, too!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sitting Up with Help

We have been putting Ella in her Bumbo seat for a few days now, trying to see if she's ready to sit up in it. Last night she stayed in it for the first time without flopping over to her side! I got it on video and took some pictures earlier today.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Butternut Squash and Rolls

Tom was finally able to get Ella rolling over on video yesterday. She's playing with her favorite froggie blanket and having a great time!

We have moved on from rice cereal - Ella wasn't too thrilled about it. Last week, Ella tried sweet potatoes, which she liked, but her tummy didn't agree. Unfortunately, they made her very gassy and she had a really hard time passing it. We have never heard her cry as hard and as long as she did that night. It was very sad. The next day she was all better!

This week, we've moved on to butternut squash. So far, her tummy is doing much better with the squash. She ate quite a bit of it this evening. It was actually the first time that she opened her mouth really wide when I put the spoon in front of her. She was very talkative and smiley tonight, too.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action!

I got a new video camera today. It is the Creative Vado and I got a fantastic deal on it from I tried it out in an attempt to get Ella to roll over on video. The good news is that the quality is much better than my Blackberry, the bad news is that she wouldn't roll over for the camera! I did manage to get Ella to talk to the camera and play with a toy. She also rolled onto her tummy and I got her pulling up. So, here is what we have so far!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Rice Cereal!

We started feeding Ella rice cereal last week. Of course, we took some pictures. She still isn't sure whether she really likes it or not, but she has learned to open her mouth when the spoon comes her way. Next week, we'll try sweet potatoes or carrots - yum!

Ella Meets Bella

After Stacey's birthday party on Saturday, I met up with an old friend from middle school! We realized that we hadn't seen each other in almost 20 years. Annie now has a 4 year old daughter, Isabella. I made sure we got pictures of the two girls together.

Ella is Four Months Old!

Ella arrived at her fourth month on July 21st. Since Ella and I were still in Florida then, we took her picture a little later than usual. Her four month appointment with the pediatrician was on Tuesday, July 28th, so we took her picture that day, too. Ella now weighs 14 pounds, 4 ounces, is 26 3/4 inches long and has a really big head!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Stacey!

My niece Stacey turned 3 while we were in Florida. Her birthday was on Tuesday, July 21st, and her birthday party was on Sunday, the 26th. My sister, Debbie, bought some cupcakes on Tuesday to celebrate her actual birthday.

Her party was at My Gym in Coral Springs. Stacey started out having fun, but was so exhausted that she ended up in a very sour mood by the end of the party.

By the end of the party, Stacey finally fell asleep in the middle of the room, while everyone else played around her. It was really funny!

Where's My Cow?

First, an explanation of the post title, in case you don't read Terry Pratchett books! In his books, Pratchett has a character that reads a book to his son. The book is called Where's My Cow? Pratchett actually decided to write this book as a children's book and Tom often reads it to Ella.

On July 10th, Chick-fil-a had their annual Cow Appreciation Day. For those of you that are not familiar with this holiday, the idea is that you dress up as a cow and get a free combo meal. Chick-fil-a even has a cut-out cow costume on their website that you can wear if you don't have your own costume. So, naturally, we dressed Ella in cow ears and went to Chick-fil-a for lunch.

Oh, and if anyone is wondering, yes, Tom and I wore our cow costumes, but, no, we didn't take any pictures of us!